Thursday, August 30, 2007
im blogging on my PC because nice nice SoonSeng came over to fix my comp two days ago:)
much much love. now i can rest assured that my many (2562 to be exact) pictures will not be lost forever to the temperamental hard disk...
just did my visa today.grr. though my experience wasn't too bad in comparison to JuEan's or WeiYang's or even NicholasYoong's haha.*laughs all the way to ....wherever*
woke up at 630 am and made my way to wisma MCA *there there that one beside Citibank* arrived at 730 something due to some complications and saw Kshen there ALREADY, 7th in line.
Phwoar...damn early right everyone.there were already about 50 over people when I arrived. and the place doesnt evn open till 8! talk about the kiasu spirit.
Got my number.....50...*kicks ticketing machine* went down for some brekkie with NicholasYoong and AlexWung who BOTH managed to forget important documents (unfortunately Nicholas only realised this at about 12pm).
AlexWung then left for home since he did not have sufficient documents. Nicholas and I on the other hand, were stuck. So what did we innovative, young, bright undergraduates do? (yeah so what if Nicholas is brighter since he got into UCL and I didnt *shakes fist at UCL* )
..we decided to drive to menara MAS to get our Grads card. Apparently with the card we can increase our weightage on the flight from some meager weight to about 30kgs?...Apparently la.
In any case, we filled up our time.:)yadda yadda yadda got back to the visa place at about 11 ish and realised....HEYYY.....there is an express lane for "Government Sponsored" students!!!!
*flicks hair* HUAHAHAHAHA. BNM is considered government no? So i went to the officer showing him my letter, expecting to be pushed up the long-ass waiting line considerably. I got more than I wanted...he just said "oh, please sit"
er ok. done. a million more things to do.
at night went shopping with the mother (as you can see I am already half asleep writing this post.too lazy to elaborate)
bought more Gap stuff (really cheap cuz they had this merdeka thingy going on)
oh OH oh oh ohOhOHOo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY MALAYSIA!*does the sudirman song along with signature jig*
....ahem. yes. Got an olympus camera tooo. 8 megapix latest model! and it has one really cute tool. the camera recognises smiles.. so lets say youre smiling at the camera, it automatically takes a you dont need to click..all you gotta do is smileeee....
(if it doesnt click when you ARE smiling then sorry-lah your smile must be damn ahgleee)
Day ended hanging OUTSIDE mardi gras 1u with Shaun watching some girl making a fool of herself on some water stage thingy. She was humping the damn wall for goodness' sake.*dies*
Counted down there too...then LoLo and JackShen came and we went off to Devi's for a yumcha. Came home, appropriately pissed Shaun off cuz I didnt wanna tell him something (which IS NOTHING ANYWAY SEE SHAUN) and now currently collecting dust on autopilot blogging.
wah. I just purged my entire day (or most of it) out here. boring post but oh well. that's how my day went. I apologize for the lack of style in my presentation of the day's events. too tired la soreeee.
niteys peeps.
peace out.
Labels: random, shopping
Waves Crashed @ 7:28 PM;
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
My Lovely Girls:)
am currently in starbucks...and i finally got the pictures of the other little terror:P
this is emma choo:)
one of the cutest, sweetest, most precocious little girls you'll ever meet...never takes no for an answer..esp when it comes to piggy backs..not that i mind of course.she ALSO loves the you can see for yourself....
sigh unfortunately the camera so does not love i look A LITTLE WEIRD.
this is me teaching her how to "catch big people"using her balloon thingy...
"look up emma..."
see how smart she is...she uses all the knowledge abt catching big ppl and turns against mee...snifffles...
some ppl say she looked like me when i was young...behold...a never-before-seen picture of enli ahhaha.looks like the camwhoring started from a young age hahaha...
i swear it was my grandma who made me pose like
the next lovely girl is none other thannnn.....
kyra dunn...sister of ethan dunn...:D
spoil la this soonseng...spoil the pretty picture.heeeeeehehehheeh.
sho cute la all these church going to miss their cries in church every sunday going to miss playing hide and seek with going to miss carrying baby kyra cuz shes just so easy to handle.SNIFFF.
ooh i feel dizzy.overdosed on my caramel and cream on top of my frap.brrr.
till later!:)
Waves Crashed @ 2:46 PM;
dim sum C:
going for dim sum at Imbi Palace with KeatBoon and friends.:)
putting on weight la dies.
havent left and im already getting fat.
die la when I come
going to take my visa picture later....ARGH LESS THAN THREE WEEKS TILL I LEAVEE!!!!
oh, and peeps, the princess has spoken *wiNks*Labels: random, secrets:)
Waves Crashed @ 4:44 AM;
Sunday, August 26, 2007
my lovely boy(s):)
There's this boy, in church.
He's so cute.
He's so adorable.
He's so lovable.
And he knows it.
He kisses me only when he wants to. But when he does it's sooo endearing that my heart melts.
Sometimes, he sees me and he runs to me and gives me a huge hug, at other times, he acts as if i don't exist.
He loves the camera because he knows it makes him look good. Just my kind of boy:)
I daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn sayang him, with his sweaty hair and loud shouts and all.
He is none other thannnn.................
ETHAN DUNN. can you NOT love this boy?
Am going to miss this little terror so much. And I can feel it.He's gonna be soo cute when he's older:)
There's ANOTHER little terror that I love too. But that's another blogpost, and also cuz I dont have the pics yet.wait la patiently.
My title was my lovely boy(s):) rite?
Well, this is the second one.
He came into my life for only a few seconds, but those few seconds were a lifetime..*does drama queen hand on forehead*
I was taking pictures at A Famosa at 2am.
He watched.
And laughed.
And asked if we (my friends and I - takkan u think i dare to be out in malaccca alone at 2am at A famosa on hungry ghost festival day?) could take a picture of him and his friends.
He took my breath away *gasp*.
I attempted to zoom in onto his face when my friend was taking the picture for them;....I failed. He noticed and blushed. He actually hid his face with his hands.
Feeling very bold and summer fling-ish, we took a picture-something I will treasure for life.
I looked like some freak. Despite countless attempts at 'zhng'-ing my picture, I still look like shit. But he.....*sigh*
the original.
my horrid attempt at making myself look less goofy.
Blue eyes blond Aaron Carter..I always liked the Carter brothers.
And look at the way he's holding me:D
His name's Evan Anderrsen by the way =D...He's coming to KL today. If we're fated we'll meet again.
loves much.
night people.Labels: random
Waves Crashed @ 6:07 PM;
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Alex Alex Alex
ehehe. I forgot to wish Alex Wung a very happy/sad birthday on the 25th of August.
Lol. Talk about no kaki, with shaun and I away from KL.
Shaun and I got him three turtles...something he was very happy with until they started pooing non-stop.
NOW he doesnt like it.
Dont care la. Youre leaving in two weeks anyway, just get yr maid to take care of it la hahahahhaaa..
i HATE how i have to send everyone off. screw it la. YOU were supposed to stay behind la dammit Alex.
nemmind. Now u have to belanja me for being so nice to buy you a present eventhough I was alll the way in Malacca:D
aaaaaaaaaanyway.HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-princess-Labels: birthdays
Waves Crashed @ 8:03 AM;
Friday, August 24, 2007
Greetings from Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah!*puke*
hello hello lovely peeps.
i am currently ensconced deep in the woods where parameswara's dog got it's behind kicked by some random kancil;) (my sejarah aint THAT rusty after all heehee)
Thank god for wireless..though the nuts at the counter said that there's no wireless i managed to steal the office wireless huhuhahahahahahahhaa.
whaaaat.before u chide me for stealing someone's wireless let me show you a few pictures...
the light in my room-.-
ok so the room doesnt look that bad......until you look at the bedside table.......
aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh.funny insect droppings and the evidence of some cup.omg.dont know what cleanliness issss???!
the stained bathtub.i think im cleaner than the bathroom wei.aaarghhh.
im in jail.nay.worse.the "gilded" cage, in the words of leonard himself. *nudges lipengss*
now you SEEE why i feel justified in stealing their wireless.omg.i swear. i want to die.grrr.
I had my moment of sweet escape yesterday when darling ben a.k.a dj benn drove ALL THE WAY to this place to bring me around malacca town C:
I had fun....anythings better than being stuck in that chalet...grr..the rest of my peers got checked into rooms.pah you ppl.leave me out la.use my mom as an excuse evil.hmph. at least I got to eat my chicken rice balls and ohchien (oysters with egg??) SO THERE.HAHA.
this is ben:
and these are the chicken rice balls:
and this is the Secret Recipe that made me realise that Malacca isn't so backward after all.Praise the Lord for creating the moist chocolate cake:D
A Famosa:
( the padang where there used to be bullock cart rides is goneeeeee...:'( all in the name of progress sniffles.)
Jonker Street:
the Ship museum thingie:
check this out! how interesting..they drew er..mural-like thingies on the walls of the old shops..i *think* they're depicting the Parameswara dog getting some kickass from the kancil scene. if you look closely, the shops were built in 1918...pretty old ey..
Blogger is being anal and is taking ages to load my pics.Maybe its cuz of the fct tht im stealing the wireless.hehe.
i shall wait.......
..................that was two days ago..anal wireless.anyways that was my first day in malacca..C:
super long post.need to find a way to post pics in an easier way.any ideas peeps?
:PLabels: travels
Waves Crashed @ 9:53 AM;
Ian Ian Ian
er. this is a very happy belated birthday post to Ian Eugene Yun.
Happy 19th!!
this bodoh boy. suddenly asked me out for a movie on a weirded out day.wednesday of all days. I mean, its okay for me cuz imon holiday but not for nutty uni boy *waggles finger*
so we were walking up to the cinema ALREADY late for Evan Almighty when the boy goes.."Tomorrow is a special day."
and im like..huh? "your birthday ah?don blarf me!!"
and he was serious....haha.
so after the movie, which was super happyfying and fuzzy, we drove all the way to KLCC cuz yours truly got the totally mad idea of taking picture outside KLCC right at 12am.ahahha. got lost took a few wrong turnings, but we arrived in time.
got scolded by the guard for parking randomly..:P. day ended with us going outside loft/maison on heritage (see aiman I told you I was there) to eat lok lok a.k.a steamboat. wanted to go into one of the clubs but we werent dressed..:)
hope you had fun ian!
im currently in Malacca but that's another blogpost:)
byee!Labels: birthdays
Waves Crashed @ 8:18 AM;
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Bank Accounts.
I said I'd blog about the interesting stuff that I found whilst spring cleaning my room right?
I found my DIARY.
I was never much of a diary person. Hence the very sporadic entries. The first entry was dated 28 May 1998.when i was 10.geez. here's and excerpt:
"Today when I went to tuition my friend did something wrong but I dn't want to talk about it.."
.....until now i cant figure out wth he/she did wrong.DAMMIT 10 year old enli!dont you know that a diary is where you WRITE EVERYTHING OUT...omgz. guess I'll never find out.gah.
the 2nd entry was dated 13 April 2001:
"Now, I'm in form 1 and it sux like hell! For 1 thing, the ppl there talk mandarin! i HATE it! I miss my old school friends in SKBD."
now, mind you, I love my high school mates now; it's just that then everyone I was close to was going to either Hartamas or Sri Cempaka. Sniffles. So obviously I had some bias towards WMS. 1L wasnt exactly the most English speaking class, and for me, a banana, it was pretty terrifying to have all these ppl talking some foreign language;)
but it's all cool now.:D
the 3rd was dated 18 July 2001(here's where thing's start to get juicy):
"There's this guy in my BM class, his name is Zhi Ven. OMG he's so annoying, but kinda cute in a way. I think i just MIGHT have a crush on him. I don't think I really like anyone right now, except maybe ZhiVen..."
hoho. little did I know that he would be my first ever boyfriend.I wonder what would have happened if, say, someone from the future came and told the enli then. ahah.she probably would have suffered a chronic seizure or la.i tell you.
the 4th was dated 11 October 2001:
"...Guess what, its been three months since i wrote in you and i think i still like him! what am i gonna do?I might stop liking him if i don't do anything..Help!!!But having a bf/gf, sounds pretty American movie and unreal..haha knowing me I will probably only get a bf when im 18.."
ROFL.omg. i cant believe the bf when im 18 wrong I was lol.
and then there was a whole lot of conteng books which had written conversations in it. u know the kind where some boring old fart *hemSTANLEYhem* is spouting nonsense in front and you have a major life crisis on hand?yeah.THAT kind.
I spent about an hour reading and deciphering what we were talking was about zhiven...and the other about tengjun...and the other about nigel.hahaha.funny how I "grew" through the years..from the gushing "omg he's so cute" to the "aw he's alright la" phrases.aaahahaha.
there were also VERY INCRIMINATING conversations involving Amanda Ng and Lim En-Li. tsk tsk.damn naughty we were. waaay back in form three remember?;)i swear we were bitching about everything under the sun..from the irritating way Kamala said my name...LIME EHN er...well."things"hahaha.still too incriminating to say it out here.:)
There were also examination pad conversations between dear Pei Jean and I during Mr. Goey's BM tuition class..gawd how long ago was that man...Vivekananda and Tristen Won.*laughs till she dies*
brings back the memories....of high school, of friendships made and broken, of first loves and crushes, first HEARTBREAK..*stares daggers at FONG ZHI VEN*hahaha.
all these experiences are what made me ME you know? wouldn't have changed anything.
now my room looks so wonderful.C: and clean.and neat. I kept the conteng books and the diary haha.i think i'll dig them up again 6-7 years from now and laugh at that time this blog too will become one of those things to laugh at.hahahah I wonder how the 25 year old me would look at the 19 year old me. abit strange when you think of it that way huh?
oh wells.
hm let's see.what happened todayyy....OH BANK ACCOUNTS.omg. CAN YOU BELIEVE THE LIMIT MY DADDY WANTED TO PUT ON MY CREDIT CARD!!!!!!?????
THAT'S LIKE ABOUT 200 POUNDS.wthhhh...*waves goodbye to shopping*
mum dragged me outta bed at about 11 in the morning (YES i was still asleep then. so sue me im on holiday) to go to HSBC to open a bank account.
I suppose you're wondering WHY the HELL im opening an account here when I could easily open one there myself. it would be more simple than asking HSBC to fax my particulars there and pay 50 pounds as processing fee since mom's coming along with me right?
when i asked, my mom said "oh..its easier" and when I asked again "in what way is it easier?" she replied "it just is lah"
OMG. *enli GG-fies herself and keels over in shock*
i tell you.the University Syndrome is really hitting my parents. THAT and the PP syndrome. (gee Im coming up with alot of diseases nowadays.maybe i should write a
what is the PP syndrome?PARANOID PARENTS SYNDROME. henceforth known as PPS.
Now, my "smooth" transition to the UK is marred by one thing; I will be arriving at Warwick on the 22nd, but I am only allowed onto campus accommodation on the 29th. perfecto innit? well it's partly my fault as i failed to apply for orientation thinking that I would be going to UCL *shakes fist at UCL*
So we were looking for alternatives, which involved my cousin who stays in UK and Shaun the mango.
First Case:
Daddy calls 28 yr old cousin and asks if his precious little daughter could bunk in. Cousin dearest promptly agrees. Daddy asks how many rooms there are. Cousin dearest is a bachelor and lives very nicely on his own in a studio apartment (that's a one room apartment for ppl who dont know). Daddy balks at idea of precious little daughter staying with A COUSIN in the same room. and the precious little daughter doesnt know whether to laugh incredulously or die of frustration.
Second Case:
Precious little daughter mentions casually that she has a friend who has an apartment in SW1, not far from Buckingham Palace, very up-market mmhmm. Daddy is all for it until he finds out that the friend is a BOY. No matter that the mother has met the boy and found him very polite (he got up to shake her hand before he left my house), no matter that the boy is from Eton and looks very very very "good boy"; wouldnt harm a fly *him shooting a cat with his airgun is SO beside the point.stupid shaun*NO.IT DOESNT MATTER. he's a BOY.*ooOoOOoOo*what.they got cooties issit. precious little daughter takes a deep breath and tells daddy that the apartment has TWO rooms, and she knows him well enough to know that he will not do anything untoward. Daddy says no. Daughter Dies.
i s.w.e.a.r.
I tell you. Who's to say that I won't be bunking in with any guy friend of mine when I go down to London later during mid-term break or whatnot. They wouldn't know.which is exactly what I said.
"dad, next time also if i go somewhere you wont even know whether im stayin with gals or not rite.."
..i thot that would shut it.
...insufferable daddy replies.." yeah I might not know, but God is watching you.."
he calls my poor cousin again, asking, this time, if there was a hotel in London where MOST GIRLS stayed.WHAT.THE.WHAT AGE ARE WE LIVING IN PRAY TELL DADDY DEAREST.
I could hear my cousin trying to smother his laughter.PAH.
Now he's not going to bring me around london anymore pah.
sigh. such is the life of the poor little princess:)
someone's at the door...
toodles~!Labels: educational gripes, memory lane
Waves Crashed @ 7:50 AM;
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
dust and hunger.ew.
wanted to blog but the tummy needs feeding and i need to bathe the dust off me.
been spring cleaning my room.yes.i have CLEANED my's all nice and not dusty anymore. C:
found many "interesting" things heehee.
will tell laters.for now, toodles!
Waves Crashed @ 12:18 PM;
Sunday, August 19, 2007
friendships last forever
super act cute while on the
things you can do with the mac:P
see cap?im wearing the me when u arrive aights?
have a safe journey from korea to USLabels: pictures
Waves Crashed @ 7:52 PM;
coffee and cigarettes
i realise that i almost always blog at two am ish.
turning nocturnal?....perhaps.
one bad thing about safari on the Macbook is that the blogger is totally devoid of all cool tools like the font size, color, align left right centre and worst of all....the BOLD ITALICS thing too!!!!
pah.i shall try to install mozilla onto my mac latahs.
it's been a super tiring day.
started with waking up LATE for church and rushing, with the daniel ho calling:) sorry I havent replied your call a busybee:P
after church had lunch lalala....then when i got home...STARTED LA. my dearest father has, unfortunately contracted an extremely dangerous disease;- the University Syndrome.
1.Cannot stop talking about tertiary studies, eg. the word University or name of university is uttered every, say 30 seconds or so.
2. Repeats tasks to be done at least a dozen times an hour.
3.Says "No TIME no TIME" sounding rather like a chicken with it's head about to be cut off.
4. Actually wakes innocent bystanders (who incidentally LOVE shopping while said victim loathes said activity) up to go SHOPPING for UK clothes.
5. constantly groans about how underappreciated his/her deeds are eg "You know you are so lucky that im doing such-and-such for you, and you dont even thank me you know?"
chill dude.
nevertheless, i do appreciate his concern.
Loves Muchies!
aaaaaaanyways. went with the mom to go shopping in one yew after being turned out by dad. bought jeans from Gap, leggings and top from WH, two jumpers and a pair of pants from PDI, 'stuff' from La Senza (*winks gurls- esp Saran :theyre on SALE!) shoes from Aldo. That's one thing off my to do list. But in retrospect, shopping is never finished ey.
Shaun and I have decided to dump the fickle minded boy a.k.a Alex Wung.
Make me write your letter summor lah.Had the strangest conversation with Kingz today.
Schizer. Havent called KB and DanielHo back yet. IM so screwed. dont get pissed at me lah kays,will make it up to you:)
Shaun might be coming to Warwick!*jumps* come:)the more the merrier.
super tired.
i shall retire now and read my prince caspian before i slumber.
nites peeps.loves.
PS: need an explanation of the title? download it: Coffee and Cigarrettes - Michelle Featherstone or click melanie's link to read emo mel's post about the song. Rings true for "some" circumstances.:/Labels: educational gripes, shopping
Waves Crashed @ 6:52 PM;
Saturday, August 18, 2007
juuuust got home from KLIA.
i never thought you'd get me anything:)...with you being so busy and all.but you did..and that made me cry buckets.its half a heart with the word 'tie' on it...She has the other half... with "bes" on it...and what does that make?
I hate goodbyes.
and a month or so from now it'll be me.*shudder*
hope you liked the booklet thing i made you....damn gay la both of us.
love u tons darlin.
hugz.going to cry now.sniff.weird without her here.:'(
-enli-Labels: emotional
Waves Crashed @ 7:16 PM;
Capri Don't Go!:'(
Currently sitting on my bed with my macbook and a painful back emoing about CAPRI SOO who is leaving to San Diego tonight.
Sniffles Wiffles and all that sorta thing.
Anyways. The daddy is being anal about Uni stuff. Called me about 30 times yesterday to ask about orientation la...flight tickets la....haiyoooooOooOoo.
i cannot take this.
and IM so chilled about it.
Then went with Alex Wung to see his uni thing PJ hilton. we were under the impression that it was an education FAIR; not an education ROOM. And then he cannot swallow the fact that he WAS THERE and we ended up not even going to any booth..went to caffe cino and had absolutely swunderful cakes.:)
shouldve listened to shaun la really.he predicted that Alex would have too much of an ego to even sit down and listen to some lecturer from Middlesex University or something.
IM going to miss capri soo.
IM all stinky and schmelly now (haha melanie) so i shall go bathe and then have dins dins with la familia and then on to KLIA to see my darling off.
sniffles wiffles.
enli is sad.
see?im sad.
loves peeps.
congrats on your 3As:)
get me tons of nice things k?
I'll be e-mailing you my wish list:D
-enli-Labels: educational gripes, emotional
Waves Crashed @ 11:56 AM;
Friday, August 17, 2007
"Fortune hath turned her wheel"
Had dinner yesterday with Poiema, my cell group in church..crabs and bamboo lala...nyums:)
was oh-so-emofied cause of the rejection *shakes fist at UCL* but then I got a call from daddy saying that Warwick accepted me.
was never really one to differentiate between my firm and insurance choices on my UCAS, and at the risk of sounding like a prude(just cause UCL rejected me Im saying I didnt want it anyway), I would say that I purposely chose one London and one non-London uni cuz i wasnt sure what type of lifestyle I wanted.
I said God would choose for me, and I guess well yeah He did.:)
A little put off that I won't be able to frequent the duck rice restaurant in what....basewater?? with shaun.peh.but no matter...will come down to see you tons=P..eventhough youre such a WET blanket - telling me how tedious the journey would be and this and that..yadda yadda.
Went to Maison for Urban Republic. with JackLoLoDanielWung (they come together in a package haha) along with Sammie, Cap, and Kshen.
KSHEN DANCED!lols. very nicely too btw ;)
met Aiman and his friends there too. nice nice. OH AND BENNN!!!
Ben: Im coming down to Melaka on the 23rd to the 26th so make yourself free aights!
Got back to Cap's house at 5am in the morning after mamak-ing and full body massage at liang xin. DAMN NICE PLACE I TELL YOU. Perfect after a crazy night of dancing in the middle of 200 sweaty bodies.
Supertired.Went to college in the morning to request for a remark on my Econs paper. Was contemplating giving up the Warwick offer and going to london to do another I was online searching and shyte..but then I figured eh malas laaaa.:)
Adrian M, I wish you'd come.
Ian and Ollie!UNI MATES. whuahah.:)
im leaving on the 17th of Sept peeps!
come send me off!
PS: Cap's leavin tomorrow 8(.Labels: educational gripes, nights out
Waves Crashed @ 10:10 AM;
Thursday, August 16, 2007
amazing lah.
perfect la my life.
i s.w.e.a.r.
if that's what God wants from me who am I to say anything right?
Warwick hasn't replied.
olivurrrr congrats:)
sette, i dont exactly know how u did but im sure you did great.lse all the way right?
omggg......screw this la.really.
end up in some funny uni.
over and out.Labels: educational gripes
Waves Crashed @ 10:32 AM;
manners schmanners
well excuse me if you're stressed about your results.
I called you cuz I, for one, care. you're supposedly my FRIEND. that's what friends do right? I might be mistaken though.
Cause no friend of mine snaps at me that way. And I was using my chilled happy voice too!*angry*
Very hard to just say results not out yet issit??!!!
You have no idea how much it took for me to say "okay, I'll be friends."
Yeah maybe you're stressed and you can't take the tension.
Im sorry I had to care and be the one to annoy you.
Im sorry that everyone else had their results already so I naturally thought you'd have it too.
I wash my hands off you.
Gosh why do I even bother.
Shouldve just continued watching 'Rumor has it'.
Two roads diverged......for God's sake don't take the road Im on.
*edit: Looks like you do have some manners after all.Thanks for apologizing. I WOULD delete this post only I felt that a blog should be about your current feelings. So yeah.
Everyone has their bad days.
I hope you do well.:)
Labels: bitchy
Waves Crashed @ 7:36 AM;
A diferent path.
don't you just hate it when you put something behind you, and it comes back...and freaking throws you off your course?
i do.
sometimes the past should remain just that...the past.
none of these past present time continuum thingies for me please.
"There she was, on a new road, a new way. Sure, it was less than desirable - compared to her old destination, but what could be done? She knew where it would take her; but for once, she didn't care. She didn't care that this road would lead her in the opposite direction of her former goal. her former goal. she scoffed.
Almost like a different lifetime, a different person..different..different..different. On she walked, her feet bloody from the stones on this new path. She wasn't used to it yet, but she would be soon enough.
The smooth sandy road with flowers on the side was gone as she continued on this bleak road with nothing but dead trees as her companions. On she walked..and she was going...going....gone."
Labels: emotional
Waves Crashed @ 4:02 AM;
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Just a day, just an ordinary day...
spent the entire day doing.............................nothing.
nothing except stare at the computer screen, help lolo out with his CV, create a blog for shaun,
what a fruitful day.*pats self on back*
going for din dins latahs with yvonne chua who's going off to the of virginia was it?
I've never sat in my room for so long that my fingers feel freezed off due to the 16 degrees setting on the air conditioner.
enli needs to get a life.
either that or find more interesting things to blog about other than her daily activities(or lack thereof).
i STILL can't figure out that dratted rubik's cube.
thaaaat's it la. im done being so jobless. I shall go and scavenge for food now since I haven't eaten the entire day.
over and out.
Waves Crashed @ 9:15 AM;
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
question: why am I up at this unearthly hour?
because of a certain daniel ho who gave me a rubik's cube to solve.
whats a rubiks cube? you ask... *click*
damn thing had me twisting and turning my fingers and squinting at the colors for an hour.
yumcha-ed at Devi's with shaun (who had to go home early due to "work"*koffkoff*cinderella*koffkoff*)
went to breaker's for awhile...chilled in one of those top cubicle thingies..learnt a few magic tricks..saw daniel ho do 10 push ups :D huahahaha.
saw aiman..who for once wasnt too sombong to come say hi:)
loves aiman:)
enli is sick of the bloody cube and is going to bed now..grr.
nites peeps(:
Waves Crashed @ 7:34 PM;
schizzle muh nizzle:)
going out with my old add math mateys...
hung and ken.:)
then after...pedi mani session with capri...and after?
any plans anyone...?( ;
im getting used to this blogging thing..
loves peeps.
Waves Crashed @ 7:06 AM;
Central Market and CamWhoring:) you have any idea how *&^&^%&^ hard it is to do html.
*shrugs* called it upon meself. due to my joblessness and prospect of starting a new chapter in my life (WHEN i go to uni), i decided to start a blog as a memory vault of sorts to remember all the fun times im going to have. hopefully.
Im not much of a bloggy person, and even if i should blog; it would be about some emo thing that happened to me.....definitely not one of those "today i woke up and brushed my teeth" kinda people.
nevertheless, i shall try to immerse myself into the world of blogging and attempt to write about my day....
*takes a deeeeeeeeeppp breath*
went to spring valley in mv for dimsum with the 12+1 though as always it is never the full gang that comes. *sigh. WHEN we will ever have a FULL 12+1 gathering i do not know -.-*
food was pretty okay. Wayn and I loved the eggtarts and Istee had her yamcake thingy which I have NEVER tried (nor do i wish to do so)..
Due to the mahjong craze that was started in langkawi while playing with miniscule tiles, they wanted to have a major mahjong session in istee's house after the dimsum..heehee. I cant play for shits.
oh i s.w.e.a.r. i need to get over my fear of needles. was so tempted to get a second piercing on my ear and i was all so gung-ho about it until cap finally agreed to do it with me...
......then i chickened out.=.= double sweat. imagine me on the day i have to take my jabs and blood tests (which, according to kshen, is "damn bloody painful")..eeee....i wanna die. dont take jabs can ah?*hopeful*
....aiyo i dont know what to say anymore.guess ill get used to the "blogging about my day" thing another time....meanwhile...ill just summarize what we did after that and show u pics and im done:)
I went along with Cap and Kshen to shop for his frames and then we went on to central market...where Cap had to go and buy her stuff for international nite in her uni...:D..Kshen and I? we did what we do best.....camwhore:)
we BOTH look good here:)
over and out peeps! ( :
Waves Crashed @ 5:39 AM;
Sunday, August 12, 2007
new life.
Waves Crashed @ 7:39 PM;