Sunday, December 30, 2007
six degrees of separation
it was a loongggg three months that i had to be separated from the cutest little boy (i wanted to say the love of my life but i think thats OTT paedophilic) that I know..
but i came back, and he remembers me. he still kisses me, but as usual it's only one a day. but who am i to complain?
he's "3 years and 8 months old"..and getting cuter by the day.
juuust lookit him...awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
"eni jie jie! i want get seashells!"
"no ethan, we're leaving soon, if you're all dirty again then what will mama say?"
"mm...*looks over balcony* STA FISH! See Seee!!"
"where?!where?!"oh there issit. oh look ethan! what's that?"
"there..that big brown round thing.."
"that's...that's a football!!"
"no ethan, of course it's not a football, its a coconut!"
"yup clever boy!"
*siiighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*i hope hope hope hope he still remembers me in 6 months' time. sniffffffffff.
it was a loongggggg one year that i did not see my big bro; the one who's pissed off half the time and annoyed the other; the one who tells me he loves me and declares that any boy who comes within 5 meters of me shall feel the wrath of LEE JIA LIANG GANSTA OF; the one whom i've known since i was 10;and out of those 9 years ive known him we were probably fighting for 4 and a half years.
when we're not fighting..:D
seeing him brings back many many memories of my 14/15/16 yo self. and im going to miss him like sheeeeeeeeeeeeeet when i go back to UK and he goes back to Aussie.
this "home-coming" of mine brought a new addition to the people im going to miss when i go back...LEE JIA CHYUEN. the 16 yo kid brother of my brother. which makes lil bro by default? though admitting that would be a gross indecency to my real kid brother * of whom I am IMMENSELY PROUD OF because he stood up in church today to testify about God's grace and MERCY when it came to his 7As*.
Chyuen is the very much better version of Liang. hehe *hi5 chyuen*to a certain extent i think he is a tad bit more mature than his elder bro. tee hee. aaanyways. his presence in Liang's car is very much appreciated, esp when the big bro is in one of his "moods".
wit my bro, and the bro of my bro.
yes yes. indeedy. dont u think both the lil boys are shoooo cuteeee:)
haihs. back to being depressed. I DONT WANNA GO BACCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK!:'(
Waves Crashed @ 1:42 PM;